
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Bye Bye Bill-o (warning, horribly graphic)
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Ossoff turns heads in GA, Bernie Sanders shows signs of possible dementia and/or incredible pointless ego, and O'Reilly is out. We get down and dirty and go back to some of the extreme lowlights from the Andrea Mackris case. Warning: graphic, gross, and disturbing.
Also, Rachel relays a very personal story about her own experience with sexual harrassment. (also gross, graphic, and disturbing)

Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
O'Reilly's in trouble and Trump's dropping bombs..
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
much the adulation of the fawning press. Bad positive reinforecement, guys. Hasn't anyone had a dog? In any event, O'Reilly could be on his way to the Applachian Trail and Rachel shares her own stories of street harassment.

Sunday Apr 02, 2017
Harmon Leon talks shop
Sunday Apr 02, 2017
Sunday Apr 02, 2017
God what a lame term. Talks shop? Really? We need new headline writers. Oh yea, that's me. Anyway, the great writer, comedian, gonzo journalist, and all around great guy Hamron Leon joins us, for some reason (the guy's been on This American Life and Howard Stern for fuck's sake) to talk about his work, the current state of politics, and just stuff in general. We're kind of giant fans so we try not to just drool and coo at him like groupies.. and we sorta manage..
See all of Harmon's stuff here:
Stuff of Harmon's to buy immediately now
and on Twitter:

Saturday Apr 01, 2017
Governing is hard you guys..
Saturday Apr 01, 2017
Saturday Apr 01, 2017
Trump/Ryan/FuckallCare crashes and burns and it's all the fault of the Freedom Caucus.. or democrats.. or something. Governing is hard. Meanwhile those pesky intelligence agencies and Congresional intelligence committee people won't get off the Russia thing. Governing is hard.

Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
As the buzzards circle..
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Comey and co. are ready to talk about Trump and the Russians.. better late than never? Not even sure. We have our doubts as to how much he's going to do. Meanwhile there's a SCOTUS nominee Dems are bound to roll over and confirm despite the Garland fiasco. One day our spine will come..

Saturday Mar 18, 2017
We're not sick anymore..
Saturday Mar 18, 2017
Saturday Mar 18, 2017
But the country? Well that's another story.. Republicans launch a health care bill everyone hates, Mike Flynn was cheating on Russia while cheating on The US? This guy gets around. The Trump/Russia interference fiasco is more incestual than you can imagine, and David Frum thinks Trump will start winning hearts and minds if nothing happens and Trump just stops beign Trump.

Saturday Mar 11, 2017
Hanging on for dear life..
Saturday Mar 11, 2017
Saturday Mar 11, 2017
Oh not just the country, we fight off the last vestiges of the flu and Travis barely finds the enrgy to talk. So it's mostly Rachel in this one.. and let's face it, that's what who you're tuning in for anyway. Anyway, conservatives love Russia now and how many times will the need to double/triple down on that horse? Also, we argue about something but I literally don't remember what it was about so it was obviously crucially important.

Monday Feb 27, 2017
So you're not going to die on the Milo hill after all
Monday Feb 27, 2017
Monday Feb 27, 2017
It's going to be the Putin hill. That one will take longer. Ceding control of the government to a foreign adversary is more nuanced than endorsing pedophilia. We'll have to carefully duscuss the pros and cons. Mom apple pie bald eagle support the Walmart troops and whatever, right Republican товарищи?
In better news, you can support the show now. Visit our Patreon page. Donate immediately now but preferably sooner, and repeatedly.

Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
The nightmare continues..
Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
Trump has a presser, and it was everything you thought it would be. Also, he's still a Russian puppet and don't bring up anti-semitism lest you hurt his feelings, somehow.
Sorry about the mic problems, will be fixed next show.

Friday Feb 17, 2017
My shirt's tucked in..
Friday Feb 17, 2017
Friday Feb 17, 2017
Rachel finds her raison d'être, or perhaps that was the inventor of the amazing shirts you don't have to tuck in. Meanwhile, Mike Flynn является прекрасным порядочным патриотом и прекрасным товарищем!