
Saturday Oct 14, 2017
Trump declares war..
Saturday Oct 14, 2017
Saturday Oct 14, 2017
on, well, everyone.. People who need halethcare, world peace, Puerto Ricans, you name it. The Stein voters are racking up the wins, but don't tell them. You couldn't if you wanted to, as most are in hiding. Meanwhile we dive deep into the Weinstein horror and in general the epidemic of powerful men using their money and influence to sexcually terrorize young women. Expect a lot more famous names to be revealed as engaging in this sort of behavior.
Hey, Halloween's almost here! :D

Saturday Oct 14, 2017
Yes, Puerto Ricans are Americans..
Saturday Oct 14, 2017
Saturday Oct 14, 2017
But don't tell Trump or his sycophants that. Meanwhile, rich and powerful men do gross things but now it's a partisan issue, more specifically Hillary Clinton's fault. Also, everything sucks. We discuss sunshine rainbows and puppies for your listening pleasure.

Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Trav's back! (and everything still sucks)
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Dotard In Chief Drumpf is very offended that people are dying in Puerto Rico and not kissing his ass for being completely incapable/uninterested in helping the situation, so, the exact scenario we warned you about before and after election day is happening, and real people are dying directly due to an incompetent and disinterested executive branch, but boy that protest vote felt good, huh? Elsewhere, everything still sucks.

Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Protesting without offending white people (a primer)
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Rachel and Dana hold down the fort while I'm away and cover the latest NFL Anthem kneeling kerfuffle. Apparently this matters, wlthough they didn't even come out of the locker room for the Anthem before 2009, so whatever. Mewnawhile, Betsy Devos is trying to gut Title IX for the Men's Rights Activists. No, seriously.

Thursday Sep 14, 2017
Irma bears down on Florida, Betsy Devos is a garbage human
Thursday Sep 14, 2017
Thursday Sep 14, 2017
Ever think the problem with campus rape is we need the input of more Men's Right Activists? Aren't you in luck.. Betsy's here to level the playing field. Also we put on our amateur meterologists hats to try to explain how half the country seems to be either underwater or burning. Spoiler: yes, Climate Change plays a role.

Thursday Sep 14, 2017
Trump pardons Arpaio, so pardon us while we scream/puke/vent..
Thursday Sep 14, 2017
Thursday Sep 14, 2017
And Rachel goes on another tear against the Bernie people as we recount the dysfunction and disenfranchisement of caucuses, which Bernie and his minions want more of, because they might help him specifically.

Thursday Sep 14, 2017
Taylor Swift gets justice, Bannon gets out..
Thursday Sep 14, 2017
Thursday Sep 14, 2017
And so much more crap and stuff and whatnots.. Sorry for the delay in posting podcasts. Indetity theft, hurricanes, etc. (not kidding)

Thursday Aug 17, 2017
Charlotesville in real time
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
We podcast while watching it all unfiold in Charlottesville, including Trump's mealy-mouth "response." A bad, awful, disturbing day in the country. Made worse by Trump's comments afterwards. We also try to round up the rest of the world.

Thursday Aug 17, 2017
Stephen Miller spouts fascism? I did Nazi that coming..
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
"Liberals" go after that terrible scourge against progressive ideals, Kamala Harris. Meanwhile Neo-Nazi blooger-cum-White House policy guru Stephen Miller whitesplains that The Statue of Liberty was really just made for white guys like him, conservatives nod in agreement.

Sunday Jul 30, 2017
John McGrandstand gets the last laugh..
Sunday Jul 30, 2017
Sunday Jul 30, 2017
Wow, what a week. Spicey's gone, Reince's gone, new coms director doesn't realize reporters report shit you tell them, and we step back from the brink of healthcare Armageddon, for now. Smoke 'em if you got 'em. If not, smoke 'em anyway.